Workplace and Employment

More and more workers are filing class action lawsuits to help protect their rights. In fact, in 2014, wage and hour lawsuits hit a record high, with more than 8,000 case filed by workers who weren’t properly paid for their time – and failing to pay overtime and minimum wage is just the tip of the iceberg.

Employers are finding new ways to cheat their workers out of proper pay – from making illegal deductions from employees’ paychecks to hiring “volunteers” instead of employees.

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Attorneys are looking into whether the Wausau, Wisconsin hospital violated labor laws by automatically deducting 30 minutes’ worth of pay from nurses’ wages for meal breaks they never took.

Attorneys believe BBG Real Estate may have violated federal and state labor laws by misclassifying real estate appraisers and researchers as exempt employees and denying them overtime wages.

If you live in California and you've worked more than six days in a row without extra pay, you may be able to start a class action lawsuit. CVS has already paid out $7.4 million to 1,600 pharmacists who said they didn't get overtime for their 7th consecutive workday.

Attorneys are investigating whether businesses in California are properly reimbursing outside sales representatives for use of their personal vehicles. If not, they may be able to file class action lawsuits to help those affected.

A number of companies have been sued in California for failing to provide their workers with accurate wage statements. The lawsuits claim the paystubs were missing important information – such as the total number of hours worked and hourly pay rates – and that this violates state labor law.

A number of companies in California have been sued for failing to follow work break laws. The lawsuits have accused employers of failing to properly pay employees who worked through their meal periods and failing to provide breaks altogether.

Attorneys are investigating whether lawsuits can be filed on behalf of medical insurance case managers and service coordinators who may have been illegally denied overtime.

Oil and gas employees who are paid on a day rate basis and do not receive overtime pay when working more than 40 hours a week may be able to file a claim for up to three years of unpaid overtime.

If you're a home delivery or courier van driver who wasn't paid overtime, wants to hear from you. There's a provision of federal labor law that basically says if you're driving a vehicle for work that's less than 10,000 pounds, you should be getting overtime.

Attorneys are investigating whether class action lawsuits can be filed on behalf of workers who may have had their digital tips illegally withheld when customers paid electronically through an application or tablet instead of signing a paper receipt.

A lawsuit claims certain DisplayMax and FixtureMax employees who were paid a day rate are owed unpaid wages because the companies failed to calculate their regular and overtime rates in accordance with federal labor law.

Workers who weren't paid for "donning and doffing" – that is, changing in and out of gear, tools and clothing need to perform one's job – may be able to participate in a class action lawsuit to collect the wages they should have been paid.

Some employers intentionally misclassify workers to avoid paying overtime. When an employee is wrongfully placed into an exempt category, they become ineligible for overtime. Intentionally misclassifying employees is illegal and unethical.

If you had to undergo a background check and didn't get the job or apartment you were looking for because of it, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the company that ran the report or the company you applied to for work.

A number of lawsuits have been filed on behalf of employees who worked off the clock – and didn't get paid for it. Generally, under wage and hour law, all time spent working must be paid, even if that work is being performed before an employee's shift starts or after it ends.

It is illegal for employers to force waiters, waitresses, bartenders and other service employees to share their tips with non-tipped employees.

Attorneys believe some companies may be violating the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) by requiring immigrant healthcare workers to sign restrictive contracts that penalize them for leaving their jobs.

Dozens of class action lawsuits have been filed by independent contractors who say they're actually employees under the law.

Attorneys have reason to believe Instacart may have misclassified its full-service shoppers as independent contractors, therefore depriving them of certain employment benefits such as minimum and overtime wages.

A class action lawsuit has been filed alleging that Jiffy Lube incorporated illegal “no-poach” clauses into its franchise agreements and that these provisions financially and professionally harmed its workers.

If you've been misclassified from exempt to non-exempt, it's possible that you may have been cheated out of overtime wages for the past few years. Thousands of employees are receiving letters or otherwise being notified that they're being reclassified from exempt to non-exempt.

Lawsuits are being filed on behalf of employees who say their overtime pay rates aren't being calculated properly and that they're missing out on wages as a result. They claim their employers are leaving out additional forms of compensation, such as bonuses, when calculating their regular pay rates.

A lawsuit has been filed alleging that the insurance marketing firm violated federal and state labor laws by failing to pay its insurance agents for all hours worked, including overtime hours.

Most employees are eligible for overtime pay. If an eligible employee does not receive time-and-a-half pay for hours worked over 40, they may qualify for a lawsuit to recover unpaid wages.

Attorneys working with believe some employers may be violating a federal civil rights law by failing to provide an equal amount of parental leave to fathers and mothers.

Attorneys are investigating whether the plans were mismanaged, causing participants to have less money for their retirement, and whether a class action lawsuit could be filed to help.

It’s been alleged that Postmates misclassifies drivers as independent contractors instead of employees and has therefore deprived them of certain employment benefits, such as minimum and overtime wages.

If you travel between jobsites for work and you're not being paid for this time, wants to hear from you. A number of companies have been hit with lawsuits alleging that they're cheating employees out of pay – and overtime wages – by failing to compensate their workers for drive time.

Attorneys working with are investigating whether travel nurses are getting paid properly for overtime or are getting shortchanged on their hours.

Truck and delivery drivers are suing the companies they work for claiming that they're employees – not independent contractors – and entitled to overtime and minimum wage pay.

Attorneys working with are investigating the pay practices of companies across the country to determine whether employees are being paid for training. Only in certain circumstances should training time go unpaid.