First Ruling in Zoloft Trial Questions Birth Defect Link
by Simon Clark on Important Rulings
The first jury ruling in a Zoloft trial has raised questions about the antidepressant's link to birth defects.
by Simon Clark on Important Rulings
The first jury ruling in a Zoloft trial has raised questions about the antidepressant's link to birth defects.
by Simon Clark on Important Rulings
Web presence is becoming more and more valuable as a way to engage with people at all levels – and this is just as true for brands, such as TV shows
by Simon Clark on Important Rulings
GAF Materials Corporation announced this week that a tentative agreement has been reached to resolve lawsuits over its allegedly defective shingles.
by Simon Clark on Important Rulings
The anti-competitive lawsuit filed against some of the largest tech companies in the United States ('Silicon Valley Anti-Poaching Suit Gets Go Ahead')
by Simon Clark on Important Rulings
We reported on Monday that a class action lawsuit aimed at taking down Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage had been certified in District Court.
According to the complaint, the NHL took little action to protect its players from harm.
An MDL against Monsanto has been approved, accusing the company of allowing GM wheat to contaminate U.S. crops.
Google wins litigation after exposing outdated privacy laws.
A lawsuit against Unilever and its Suave hair smoothing kit will continue after a judge refused to dismiss it.
Maibec has been unable to get a class action lawsuit dismissed, and continues to face allegations that its shingles are defective.