Walmart Weighted Groceries Class Action Settlement
If you’ve bought packaged meat or seafood sold by weight, or bagged citrus fruits, from Walmart, you may qualify for a share of a recent $45 million settlement.
Important Information:
Settlement Deadline Passed
The deadline for filing a claim in this settlement has passed. Check out our list of open class action settlements.
The information on this page is for reference only.
Walmart - Weighted Groceries Settlement Information

Kukorinis v. Walmart Inc.
Case No. 8:22-cv-02402-VMC-TGW
* You will be taken to the claims adminstrator site designated by the court to handle this claim.
Have a question?
Scroll down to find frequently asked questions and answers about this settlement.
Frequently Asked Questions About This Settlement
Important Information:
Settlement Deadline Passed
The deadline for filing a claim in this settlement has passed. Check out our list of open class action settlements.
The information on this page is for reference only.
What Is the Walmart Weighted Groceries Settlement About?
A $45 million settlement has been reached to resolve a proposed class action lawsuit that alleged Walmart overcharged consumers for certain weighted groceries—including meat, poultry, pork and seafood products—and certain bagged citrus fruits sold in bulk.
Who Qualifies for the Settlement?
The Walmart weighted groceries class action settlement covers anyone who purchased packaged meat, poultry, pork and seafood sold by weight and/or organic oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and navel oranges sold in bulk in mesh or plastic bags at a Walmart store in the United States or Puerto Rico between October 19, 2018 and January 19, 2024.
How Much Could I Get?
The payment each class member may receive depends on several factors, including the number of products they purchased.
Walmart customers without receipts or other documentation and who bought up to 50 eligible products will be entitled to $10. Class members without proof of purchase who bought between 51 and 75 items may receive $15. Consumers who bought between 76 and 100 products are entitled to $20, and those who purchased more than 100 goods may receive $25.
Consumers who file a claim and provide receipts or other documentation will be entitled to receive two percent of the total cost of their purchases, capped at $500.
The settlement website notes, however, that all payments are subject to a potential increase or decrease.
Is the Walmart Settlement Website Legit?
Yes. The court-approved website——was established to inform consumers about the settlement and provide a platform where they can submit a claim form with the Walmart settlement.
How Do I File a Claim?
Head to this page to submit a claim on the official website for the Walmart weighted groceries settlement. You can also download a PDF claim form to print and submit by mail to the settlement administrator.
To file a claim, you will need the notice ID and confirmation code found in the personalized settlement notice you may have received via email. If you did not receive a notice, you can still file a claim.
Is There a Deadline for This?
Yes. You must file a claim by June 5, 2024.
Is Proof Required for the Walmart Settlement?
Walmart customers can file a claim for compensation online or by mail regardless of whether they have receipts for their qualified purchases.
What Walmart Grocery Products Are Involved?
You can search to see if goods you’ve purchased are covered in the Walmart weighted groceries settlement on the official website’s product descriptions page.
When Would I Get Paid?
The court still has to ultimately approve the Walmart settlement before payments are made to class members. A hearing is set for June 12, 2024, at which time the judge will decide whether to officially approve the deal. Class members covered by a settlement typically get paid after the deal receives final approval from the court and any appeals are resolved.
Claims Administrator
Walmart Weighted Goods Settlement
c/o Claims Administrator
1650 Arch Street, Suite 2210
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Walmart - Weighted Groceries Settlement Information

Kukorinis v. Walmart Inc.
Case No. 8:22-cv-02402-VMC-TGW
* You will be taken to the claims adminstrator site designated by the court to handle this claim.