Is Hulu Sharing User Data with Facebook? Attorneys Investigate Potential Privacy Violations

Last Updated on July 25, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone with a Facebook account who has streamed content on
What’s Going On?
It’s believed that Hulu may have used a tracking tool on its website to record subscribers’ activities – including what videos they watch – and secretly shared this data with Facebook along with consumers’ personal information. Attorneys are now gathering Hulu subscribers to take action over potential privacy violations.
What You Can Do
If you have a Facebook account and watched videos on, sign up today by using the link below.
What Am I Signing Up For?
You’re signing up to participate in what’s called “mass arbitration,” an alternative dispute resolution method that, like a class action lawsuit, allows a group of consumers to take action against a company over an alleged wrongdoing – such as a potential privacy violation.
What Does This Cost?
It costs nothing to sign up, and if the attorneys don’t win your claim, you don’t pay.
What Could I Get?
Though nothing is guaranteed, you may be entitled to a claim worth as much as $2,500.
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