Illinois: Legal Action for Alleged Privacy Violations by Instagram

Last Updated on June 21, 2023

Investigation Complete

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Any Illinois resident who has an Instagram account.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with are gathering Instagram users to take action against the company. It’s believed that Instagram may have violated an Illinois-specific privacy law by collecting users’ biometric information, including scans of their faces, without first obtaining their written consent.
What Am I Signing Up For?
You’re signing up to participate in what’s known as “mass arbitration.” This is different from class action litigation, and occurs when hundreds or thousands of consumers bring individual arbitration claims against the same company, at the same time, over the same issue.
What Could I Get?
While there are no guarantees, it’s possible that those who sign up for mass arbitration could be entitled to $1,000 or more.