Denied Overtime as a US Bank Underwriter?

Last Updated on January 11, 2022

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US Bank underwriters who were denied overtime pay after working more than 40 hours a week.
Underwriters who were wrongfully denied overtime pay may be able to seek compensation for up to twice the amount of overtime wages owed to them, dating back two to three years. Compensation for attorneys' fees and costs is also available in an underwriter overtime lawsuit.
US Bank
Additional Details
Underwriters belong to a group of employees who are improperly classified as "exempt" workers, or those who are ineligible to receive overtime pay. As a result of the misclassification, underwriters may be able to file a claim for unpaid overtime wages.
Loan underwriters who were wrongfully denied overtime pay may be able to file a claim for two years of unpaid overtime, or three years if the employer's violations were intentional.