Lawsuits Under Investigation for Stone Countertop Workers Potentially Injured by Silica Dust Exposure

Last Updated on September 11, 2023

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
People who cut or were involved in making quartz countertops and were diagnosed with certain diseases (including silicosis and lung cancer) or experienced breathing problems requiring medical treatment.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with are investigating whether lawsuits can be filed on behalf of countertop workers who may have been injured by exposure to silica, the main component of quartz. They have reason to believe the countertop manufacturers could be responsible for workers’ medical expenses and other damages.
What You Can Do
To learn more about your eligibility for a lawsuit, fill out the form on this page or keep reading for more information. After you fill out the form, an attorney or legal representative may reach out to you directly to ask you a few questions and explain more about what’s involved with filing a lawsuit.
What Does This Cost?
It costs nothing to get in touch or speak with one of the attorneys we work with. Plus, if you end up filing a lawsuit, you will only pay if they win your case – and the attorneys’ payment will come directly from your settlement or jury award.
How Could a Lawsuit Help?
A lawsuit could potentially provide money for physical and emotional suffering, lost wages, medical bills, funeral expenses and more.

The information submitted on this page will be forwarded to Simmons Hanly Conroy who has sponsored this investigation.

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