Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Last Updated on September 23, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone who used Roundup herbicide and was later diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
What's Going On?
Thousands of lawsuits have been filed alleging that Roundup causes cancer and that people weren't properly warned of its risks. In June 2020, Bayer announced it would pay $10.9 billion to resolve many of these cases – and if you were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma because of your Roundup use, it’s not too late to file a claim and recover money for the harm you suffered.
Can Roundup Really Cause Cancer?
An agency of the World Health Organization has labeled glyphosate – the main ingredient in Roundup – as "probably carcinogenic."
How Much Does It Cost to Talk to a Lawyer?
Nothing – and you're not obligated to take legal action after speaking with someone and learning more about your rights. Plus, the attorneys we work with will only collect a fee if your case is successful and this award will come as a percentage of any settlement you receive.
How Could a Lawsuit Help Me?
You may be able to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other losses stemming from your diagnosis.

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