Lawsuit Investigation: Are Borrowers Being Charged Illegal Convenience Fees?

Last Updated on December 15, 2022

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
People who were charged a flat fee to make a payment on a loan, debt, mortgage or credit card.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with are investigating whether certain creditors are charging borrowers convenience fees – such as pay-by-phone fees and online service charges – to make payments on their debts. These fees may be illegal in some states, and it’s possible that class action lawsuits could be filed to help consumers get their money back and put an end to any illegal practices.
Which Creditors Are Being Investigated?
IC System, Inc.; JP Morgan Chase; Caine & Weiner Company, Inc.; Mariner Finance, LLC; Statebridge Company; Nationstar Mortgage (doing business as Mr. Cooper); LoanCare LLC; and Fifth Third Bank
What States Are Being Looked Into?
Attorneys are particularly interested in speaking to people who paid the fees in North Carolina, Maryland, Michigan, Florida, California and South Carolina.
What You Can Do
If you were charged a convenience fee by one of the above creditors for a transaction involving a loan, debt, mortgage or credit card, fill out the form on this page. One of the attorneys handling this investigation may then reach out to you directly.

The information submitted on this page will be forwarded to Whitfield Bryson LLP who has sponsored this investigation.

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