Wheelchair Accessibility Lawsuits: Did a Nursing or Medical Facility Fail to Accommodate Your Disability? 

Last Updated on July 19, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Wheelchair users who’ve experienced issues accessing nursing care or medical services due to a facility’s failure to properly accommodate them.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with ClassAction.org are looking into whether lawsuits can be filed against nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other healthcare establishments across the United States that may lack the necessary policies, equipment and procedures to provide wheelchair users equal access to services.
How Could a Lawsuit Help?
A successful case could force the facility to make changes that would ensure accessibility for wheelchair users. It could also provide patients with compensation for violations of their rights under state and federal disability laws.
What You Can Do
If you’ve faced an accessibility issue at a skilled nursing facility, nursing home, assisted living home, rehabilitation center, doctor’s office, hospital or other healthcare establishment, fill out the form on this page to learn more about the investigation. After you get in touch, an attorney or legal representative may reach out to you directly to explain how you may be able to help get a lawsuit started.

The information submitted on this page will be forwarded to Nye, Stirling, Hale, Miller & Sweet LLP who has sponsored this investigation.

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